Wednesday 27 March 2013

Current Obsessions

As I attempt to tackle my thesis head on, I have found a number of things to provide necessary distractions and to feed my creative juices. These are the top ones making me laugh at the moment. Absolute gems as far as I am concerned, admittedly my sense of humour can be quite juvenile but, hey.

Ah Macklemore, I love thee. What what. This is fucking awesome...and stuck in my head. Shiiiit.

And these are a series of possibly the best interviews I have seen in a while. Harmony Korine is an independent filmaker, he is getting some mainstream attention lately for his movie Spring Breakers. He is known for making weird, intense, abstract and intentionally unintelligible movies (e.g. 'cult' classic Kids). Apparently. I have not actually seen any of his movies. But after seeing these interviews, I am a fan of his already.

Harmony was banned from the Letterman show after these interviews. Not because he was high as a kite but allegedly because on his fourth appearance (that never ended up actually happening), Letterman found him going through Meryl Streep's bag in her dressing room.  Excuse the quality of the videos, it was the 90s.

Friday 31 August 2012

Here goes...

Facts of my life: I am entering the final year of my Doctorate, for which I have way too much work than I can handle at the moment. I am officially living completely on my own for the first time. I am still getting over a break-up, which I wish I had moved on from already, and it is unlikely that I will be going on many dates with sexy mysterious men anytime soon unless they pop out of psychology books. So unlike my lovely girls who are beginning new lives in exciting places, it seems that this year I am looking at spending long weekends at home trying to work and avoiding life. Not surprisingly, I am getting bored just thinking about it- and this coming from someone who believes that only boring people get bored. And we can't have that.

As my psychology knowledge informs me, when life sucks we tend to focus our attention on the negatives in the world (because not only are we miserable beings but we are also self-indulgent). Therefore, although everyone seems to have a blog at the moment, I need inspiration. And, yes, I could write this in a personal journal but, "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" (i.e. if something happens and you do not facebook, blog or tweet about it, has it really happened?)

I promised a semi-descent blog, and I cannot entertain you without being entertained myself. The hope is that this blog will motivate me to look for the positives in the world and act as my mood (or inspiration) board. By stopping to photograph, think or write about them, I will hopefully pause long enough to actually acknowledge and appreciate the people, places and things that inspire me in my everyday-ness. I cannot pretend to be a totally converted optimistic however, so the blog will inevitably include things I come across that "turn me off" from the society or culture I live in.

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